Tailored Training Solutions in Washington, DC
CID-IT understands that people have different learning styles, and not everyone learns well in a classroom environment. What works well for one might be less effective for another. For example, some people enjoy peace and quiet while they learn, some like to be instructed, and others want to direct their learning personally. Some even prefer to learn in a bustling coffee shop. Instruction design can help people learn in their own unique style.
Using needs assessments, surveys, and change management techniques, CID is here to help you devise the best training solutions in Washington, DC. Whether your needs involve instructor-led, online, or a blended approach, we’ll work with your team to reach your pre-defined goals and satisfy your specific training requirements.
Instructor lead Training
There are specific skills and jobs that make Instructor-Led Training (ILT) more important than a nice-to-have. ILT is especially useful when the skills are of a technical or complex nature or the job involves high-risk tasks and responsibilities.
ILT gives learners the opportunity to actively participate in their learning through activities such as brainstorming, problem-solving, or role-based training. Learners then return to the learning platform to practice their new skills in practical hands-on exercises and interactive digital simulations. They can also engage with functional and SME assistance for additional resources if there’s a concept they don’t understand or a specific topic of interest.
Blended Learning Approach
Instructor-led online training involves having participants in the same room at the same time, giving them a voice. Participants can learn from each other, interact with an expert instructor, and build personal relationships with others in the industry.
The significant advantage of pairing ILT with your online training is that this combination caters to different learning styles. Participants can learn online in whichever environment suits them best. However, they can also have access to virtual or traditional classroom training, where instructors adapt their speed and approach to the specific needs of their audience.
Software Simulations
A software simulation is an interactive training tool that mimics real software functionality, allowing users to practice tasks in a risk-free environment. It includes guided steps, interactive exercises, and assessments to enhance learning and reduce errors.
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Contact Us for Customized Training Solutions
Let us create a specific training program for your team today. Contact CID to schedule an appointment and learn more
about how we can help.